Tuesday, August 21, 2012

What Ya Got Cookin'?

Wow!  This looks like a teacher's dream, right?  A room full of students eager to participate!  Are these students volunteering to summarize a story?  Solve a division problem?  Describe the geography of Florida?? 

Nope.  Those students are volunteering to help COOK BUGS.

You read that right.  They want to help fry up some meal worms, saute some crickets, and skewer some grasshoppers. Forget the chocolate covered ants, folks.  Chef David Gordon jumped straight to the meatier (and crunchier) varieties.  The chefs at Culinary Court were super excited to see some of our own called upon to participate in the festivities.  (He even got Mr. Pinchot in on the action!!)

Check out these photos of our friends and their culinary adventure!

Bug Chef David Gordon on PhotoPeach

But it wasn't all just about crunching and munching.  Leave a comment sharing a surprising fact that you learned from Chef Gordon about food, the environment, or the nutrition of bugs?


  1. I now think of bugs in a whole new light- as protein supplements (not that this is a positive thing). Our guest chef also ruined my love for ketchup as he reminded us that products we buy in the store (ketchup, jelly, etc) are allowed to have a certain (limited) amount of bug parts in them as they are processed and put on our grocery shelves. Think I'll be using less ketchup on my food now.... :-(

  2. i wish i could be in the eating group realy bad i wanted to eat the scorpion ,trevor

  3. Now I wish I could go back in time and eat a meal worm!!! And thats is NOT normal!And I think I will NEVER eat chocolate the same way!Bobbi

  4. Wow....those pics of my son eating bugs really makes a mom proud :0)....Stacey

  5. At first I thought that it was gross, but now I wish I could go back and eat everything that he made.Macy N.

  6. i really wanted to eat a meal worm but they did not pick me but otherwise it was cool to see others eat bugs Nevaeh

  7. at first i thought that it was gross but it was really really cool to see others eat bugs and it was funny


  8. I think the whole bug thing isn't so tasty to me but the people who tasted it well I wonder what they taste like and CHOCOLATE made of bugs ewwwwww I guess I will never eat CHOCOLATE again


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