Saturday, August 25, 2012

Laying the Foundation in Math

Our first week of 4th Grade Mathematics has been focused around gaining a deeper understanding of our Base 10 Number System. We began by exploring place value through looking at numbers in their standard, word, and expanded forms.

For example, 143 = one hundred forty-three = 100 + 40 + 3

We then began modeling numbers in our number system using open number lines and "play" money. These representations helped us make sense of rounding numbers to landmark numbers (friendly numbers such as multiples of 10 and 100).

Our next focus will be to use "rounding" to help us estimate sums (answers to addition problems) and differences (subtraction problems). We will begin that discussion on Monday.

This foundation we are laying through our study of place value, rounding and estimation will be necessary in understanding the higher level mathematics we will be studying the rest of our 4th grade year together.

The following link provides reinforcement and practice in the skills and concepts we have been working on in class. Students are encouraged to reference this site as one method for making sure they are prepared for our first math assessment of this school year, which will be this upcoming Wednesday, August 29th.
If your child visits Study Jams in order to review the math we have been learning about in class, leave a comment to let us know and your child will earn a $5.00 reward in Behavior Bucks!

Happy Mathematizing!!


  1. Now know what to expect for Mon. can't wait!!!Bobbi

  2. Bobbi is very excited about this site and being able to put what she's been learning over the summer into practical use. Thank you for the link! We'll be sure to bookmark it for future reference as well! Have a great day! - Bobby Smith

  3. Bryce really enjoyed the math website and ready for the test...Stacey

  4. I had fun doing math on the website. My mom and I did notice something weird with the "test yourself" sections. I clicked the correct answers on some questions, but the end of the test showed that I clicked the wrong answer. I paid close attention to it the next time, and same thing happened again. But over all it was helpful to practice the math. -Sydni

  5. It was fun and I learned a lot from it. I liked the chart question. Reagan

  6. Dear Mrs. Phillips and Mrs. Nash,

    I' m very glad that I got you as my 4th grade teachers. I watched the place value and estimating video. Thank you for being the BEST teachers!


  7. Jackson viewed the video and 'jammed' on the online test! He's ready! Thanks!

  8. It was good practice. Sammy

  9. the math web site is good practice it really helped me

  10. you are so nice and you make all of our assignments fun i like how you are always watching out for people who need behavior buks miss Philips i love how you put math into every thing like in social studs and math because math is my favorite subject and miss Nash i love how you are so sarcastic and how you use expression when you talk you are the best teachers ever


  11. i'm excited about math - grace

  12. Study Jams is a fun way to learn. - Nicholas

  13. I reviewed on study jams for math quiz tomorrow . It was very helpful . I love math so far this year !!!


  14. Thanks Mr Pinchot the Math website is really helpful to practice for the test. Sofia D.

  15. Study Jams helped me with rounding up!--Alex M.

  16. i love math so far this year. i love the math test today it was easy and hard but i sill love it


  17. I can't what to see what I got on my test!!!!! Jordan

  18. the study jam was GREAT practice!!! abigale;)

  19. i realy like studyjams because i think i can learn in a easy and fun way ,trevor


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