Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Flag Raisings in the Fourth Grade

Flag Raising is an important tradition at Chets Creek.

Last week, we had our first flag raising of the new school year.  As fourth graders, you are in an exciting position this year.  By the end of the year, you might be standing on the other side of the flag pole, wearing a Junior Patrol belt.

Each year, many of our students ask us, "How do you get to be a Junior Patrol?"  Here are a few things you need to know:

All fourth graders will receive an application for Patrols in the fourth grading period.  You will have a few days to complete the application, read (with your parents) the guidelines and expectations of being a patrol, and ask for your teachers' signatures recommending you for the position.  Then, you'll wait to find out if you got the position or not!

Do we recommend every student who asks?  Sadly, no.  We wish we could, but we have to consider a number of important things.

First of all, your conduct grade MUST be an A.  Your other grades must be strong, as well.  But most importantly, you have proven yourself trustworthy, responsible, respectful, and a good role model to others all year long.

We know you all could make great patrols next year, so make sure you're focusing on that goal this year.  

What are some specific things you could do, actions you can take, that could help you earn the privilege to be a Safety Patrol in 5th grade?  How do you think you should act at Flag Raisings throughout this school year?  What little things can you do today to prove that you're the responsible citizen we're looking for in a Safety Patrol candidate? 


  1. being silent the entire way through flag rasing and only talk with permission Lainey

  2. I should not talk on our way to flag raising.I should not run and jump in the hall way during flag raising.
    audrey :)

  3. stand tall and proud aladji

  4. stand quiet and still, be respectful of the flag. to earn being a patrol you should be kind to others, follow directions and make good grades.

  5. flag raising is a quite ceremony but I am glad I am apart of it. Audrey:):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):)

  6. I do not want to talk but not when it is time for flag raising Jordan

  7. i could help out with others,lisen and make sure everybody is doing what they are supposed to be doing. abigale! ;)

  8. I should pay atention during flag raising be nice to others and make good grades.Bobbi

  9. i should stand still and and be respectful when they are putting up the flag bryce

  10. be respectful because that to honor our heores :):):):):):):):):):):):):

  11. Flag raising was awesome but at the same time hot!


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