Tuesday, August 28, 2012

It's That Time!! Florida Geography Projects are on the Horizon!!

Florida Map Projects on PhotoPeach

Florida Geography Projects have been officially introduced (as of August 30th) and they will be due BY Monday, September 17th. (Your child is more than welcome to turn in his/her project earlier than the due date.) The purpose of this "at-home" project is to have a fun and meaningul way to enrich and extend all that we are studying in our first unit of Social Studies (DOSS), Florida's Geography. Each student has received a guideline (blue handout) with all of the expectations for this project. The above slideshow highlights examples of projects that have been completed by Chets Creek 4th Graders in the past. They are provided simply to give you ideas on how you might proceed, however, we encourage creativity and artistic uniqueness on this assignment. Some students may choose the flour recipe that we have provided, and others may choose to use modeling clay or styrofoam. The sky is the limit! This project will count as a test grade in Social Studies for this first nine weeks. Have Fun! Happy Crafting! Mrs. Phillips and Mr. Pinchot

Students, leave a comment to share an interesting idea you gained from watching our featured slide show. What idea might YOU try for your at-home project?


  1. I can not wait to do my project on the MAP! It will be so fun for me!!! I hope I will get a 100 A+ Love Jordan

  2. Im so exited for our Florida maps Project. It looks awesome! Lainey

  3. there are so many ideas i just can not choose which one to get an idea from. abigale;)

  4. I think I'm going to have to have my friends mom help me with mineshe used to work for Publix bakery.Bobbi

  5. i think im going to search the web new ideas Bryce

  6. the project is fun to work


  7. i'm thinking about going to cake. It will be hard since i'm already so behind now, though.Macy

  8. I LOVE ALL THE EXPLAMPLES THEY LOOK SO GOOD WELL AWESOME i wonder how mine will turn out hmmmmm.....

  9. i have not started my project yet but i think i will keep my project small not HUGE like the ones in the video

  10. Whoa! Those look sooooooo cool! I'm going to try to make it like theirs.

  11. wow those progects look so cool carson

  12. i worked sooooooooooo hard on my project but i had lots of fun thanks to my mom!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



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