Friday, September 21, 2012

Phases of the Moon

In Science, we have really been enjoying ourselves learning about the phases of the Moon. During the month of October, students will also be observing the Moon each night outside their window and recording it's changing appearance, allowing them to see and experience our Moon's 29 day cycle.

We have learned that the Moon has phases because it orbits Earth, which causes the portion we see illuminated to change. The Moon takes about 27 days to orbit Earth, but the lunar phase cycle (from new Moon to new Moon) lasts about 29 days. The Moon spends the extra 2 days "catching up" because Earth travels about 45 million miles around the Sun during the time the Moon completes one orbit around Earth.

As we study the Moon's phases,we will also make booklets to help us learn what each phase is called. In doing this, we will identify several phases as being landmark phases. These are:

1) New Moon (the first (1)and last (29) day of the cycle)
At the New Moon phase, the Moon is so close to the Sun in the sky that none of the side facing Earth is illuminated. In other words, the Moon is between Earth and Sun.

2) First Quarter Moon (Day 8)
ONE QUARTER (the RIGHT quarter that we see) is, the moon is highest in the sky at sunset, then sets about six hours later.

3) Full Moon (Day 15- the middle day in the 29 day cycle)
On this day, the Moon is behind Earth in space with respect to the Sun. As the Sun sets, the Moon rises with the side that faces Earth fully exposed to sunlight. We are able to see the entire illuminated half of the moon! (Did you know that only one half of our Moon is always illuminated by our Sun, and that we NEVER see the other half from Earth??!!).

4) Last Quarter Moon (Day 21) ONE QUARTER (the LEFT quarter that we see) is lit.... (opposite of the First Quarter Moon).

Other terms students are gaining familiarity with to explain other phases that fall between these landmark phases are Waxing, Waning, Crescent and Gibbous.
We have learned that "waxing" means "increasing" (growing) illumination and "waning" means "decreasing" (shrinking) illumination.
We also know that "gibbous" means "hump-backed" and "crescent" means "a shape resembling a segment of a ring". Understanding the meanings of these words is very important in helping us to recognize the different phases of the moon correctly.
Be sure to visit Chapter 2, Lesson 2 in your science textbook online if you need to review this information about the moon. You can also log on to GIZMOS at any time to review the virtual lab we have been working on in class!!

*Click HERE to see a simple, quick time-lapsed video of the Moon Phase Cycle.

Mr. Lee's Moon Rap video has also been a wonderful reference for us in class- check it out HERE.

Students, look out your window tonight. What phase of the moon do you see (and how do you know)? Leave a comment to let us know.


  1. I love all the phases of the moon because this is my first time learning all the phases of the moon Love Jordan

  2. i love learning about the phases of the moon and it so much fun. from maritza

  3. tonight there was the third (and last) quarter.I know because I just went out side and when I saw the moon I immedietlly knew that it had to be either the first quarter or the third quarter,but then I remembered the moon rap and figured out that it was the third (and last) quarter.

  4. The moon is awsome!I love science

  5. I love the moon phases rap from Mr.Lee.

  6. Because were learning about the moon now i know the phases of the moon alot clark

  7. Moon phases are the best thing in science I have ever learned about since kindergarden!


  8. Learning about the moom is so fun and becuase of MR.Lee moon phase rap I have all the moon phases memorized I sing it everyday.Macy N

  9. I loved getting to teach my partners. The oreo moon phase experiment was really fun! Lainey

  10. Thank you so much for posting this.It really helped me study for my quiz!

  11. That was so helpful and interesting ..... I hope I did well on the quiz : )


  12. Sometimes when i look at the moon I get confused cause waxing gibbous when it's almost a full moon. I can't tell sometimes.
    (='.'=) Ian H.

  13. Today I saw a third or last quater outside. Sawyer

  14. Outside I see an waning crescent today and I am still charting the phases of the moon and I wonder where would the moon be in 10 YEARS???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????


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