Thursday, January 31, 2013

Every Day Counts: January

Need a review for preparing for this month's EDC quiz?

First, you need to be able to identify solid figures: cube, prism, pyramid, cone and cylinder
Check this out: CLICK HERE

You also need to know how to multiply by multiples of 100. Can you solve 23 x 100 mentally?

What is fourteen hundred more than $9,540?

Did you know that one ounce is 1/16 of one pound?
How many pounds are in 32 ounces?

You also need to recognize models of fractions and find decimal and percent equivalents. Revisit and review the "Fraction, Decimal, Percent" Gizmo that has been assigned to your class. It provides powerful models for visualizing and understanding equivalent amounts. When you log in and select the Gizmo, you can print the "Student Exploration" sheet to use as a guide as you navigate the Gizmo. If you do this, please bring in your completed work for extra Behavior Bucks from your math teacher!!

Happy Reviewing!! :-)


  1. wow. those sights I think are really going to help me study for the edc quiz

  2. The sights help me !!
    Jordan S.


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