Wednesday, January 30, 2013

FCAT Writes... Here We Come!

February 26th will be here before we know it! Those students who have been writing at home will soon see the payoff! Yesterday, we were paid a visit from last year's SIX. She was one of 15 students in our district who scored a SIX! After she gave us her advice for how to score a SIX, we waved goodbye as she rode away in her limo with Mrs. Phillips and her friends and family to celebrate. When we returned to class, everyone thought, "WOW! I want to make a SIX!". Next year, Mrs. Nash and I think there will be SO many SIXES from our classes that Mrs. Phillips won't be able to find enough limos! But, we all know as writiers that scoring a SIX isn't easy. It takes practice, just like any hobby or sport.

First, here are some things we learned from Malena:

·      She wrote nightly so that she could get better at writing.
·      She READS lots of books- That’s where she learns writer’s craft. Reading also helped her know how to spell, because she has seen those words over and over again!
·      Malena PLANNED on her planning sheet. It only took her about five minutes, but she had a plan. We know that, “If you fail to plan, you are planning to fail!”
·      She focused on the HEART of her story. She didn’t start when she woke up and end when she went to bed. She went straight to the HEART of what happened.
·      Malena worked hard all year to be a better writer by LISTENING to the minilessons during Writer’s Workshop and APPLYING what she was learning in those lessons to her own writing.

Now that she has inspired us, here are some ways to practice!

1.     You could free write nightly. For Mrs. Koster’s friends, you can use the gold sheet I provided with TONS of ideas to write about. Make sure you pay attention to forming paragraphs, spelling, capitalization, and punctuation.
2.     You can use your sheet of practice prompts. If you do not have one, find it on this blog under “Kitchen Documents”. Be sure to read the instructions.
3.     Any piece of writing you complete, even in class, you should refer to your “My FCAT Writing Rubric” so that you can “pretend score” your paper. Be honest! Then, show your teacher which score point you think your writing would get. Be ready to explain why!
4.     READ!!!!!!! The best writers are READERS and the best readers are WRITERS! The more you read, the more your writing will improve. You have Mrs. Nash and Mrs. Koster’s guarantee! Reading improves your use of creative author’s craft and spelling.

Finally, get ready to show that test who’s boss on February 26th! SIXES… here we come!!!

Limo Day on PhotoPeach


  1. I am so scared about the FCAT WRITES coming!!! But I know I can score a six on the FACT WRITES!!! LIMO HERE I COME!!!!!! All the things my teacher has teach me will help me a lot for the writes!!!
    Thank You to my teacher who showed me to LOVE writing!!

    Sofia D. Mrs.Koster class

  2. cant wait to get my write on!!

  3. I can't wait to see if I get a 6-Bailey

  4. I want to get a 6 so bad!! I will work so hard to get a big big big 6

    Jordan S.

  5. wow! The school year has gone b so fast! i can't believe it is here!

    Reagan B

  6. Mrs. Nash,

    We are reading through some of the blogs and we noticed the reference for the writing prompts. It states on the blog that the student should be using the "My FCAT Writing Rubric". This appears to be something that Mrs. Koster has, but can you provide one for the students of your class? Also, are you the one giving "treats" for those students who complete a writing prompt from the list?


  7. Yes! The students all have a hard copy of the rubric, and it's also posted here on the Kitchen Documents page. Students, feel free to earn extra Behavior Bucks at home by responding to practice prompts at home. Remember, you only get paid if the quality of writing meets or exceeds the quality of writing you produce at home, and you did all the work yourself! This has to be independent practice to be beneficial. (It is OK to get feedback from your parents AFTER you've done the work.) Bring it in to class for individual feedback from me!


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