Saturday, November 10, 2012

Math Homework

Math homework is a critical tool for reviewing previously learned skills and practicing new strategies.  We, at Chets Creek, see homework as an important component of our math curriculum.  How can homework be best supported at home?  Here are our suggestions:
1)        Set a specified time and place for your child to complete homework.
2)       Let your child work independently, then check the work when completed.
3)       Expect your child to use these strategies when completing math homework:
a.       Read the entire problem, but underline the REAL question.  In the real world, we are constantly given a multitude of information, but must decide what information is important in making decisions based on the question at hand.  Children should begin practicing this skill with story problems.
b.      Circle the information needed to find the answer to the REAL question.  This requires children to think about what information is needed to answer a question and isn’t our goal to teach children to be great thinkers?
c.       Show thinking through the use of pictures or strategies.  (For more information on strategies, refer to your child’s Math Journal.)  If your child is approaching a problem in a way different way than you might approach the problem, allow them to explain how they are thinking.  Research shows that when students develop their own way of thinking about math, they become confident mathematicians with a better understanding of mathematical processes.
At Chets Creek, math homework is never graded on accuracy, but on effort.  Helping your child to put forth their best effort on homework will result in improved performance on assessments and greater confidence in math!

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